2 captivating formulas to hook your clients

Stress no more to capture your client's attention, with these 2 formulas you will be THE sensation

Are your words falling on deaf ears? Struggling to capture your audience's attention and turn them into loyal customers? 🫤 

⚔️ We've got two secret weapons in our arsenal that will transform your copywriting from bland to brilliant.

Introducing the BAB and PAS formulas: your keys to crafting irresistible copy that resonates with your audience and drives conversions. 🗣️ 

1️⃣ Formula 1: BAB (Before - After - Bridge)

Paint a picture of your audience's world before they meet your product or service, then showcase the transformation they can achieve after.


🥹 Relate to their pain: Vividly describe the struggles and frustrations they face without your solution.

💪 Highlight the transformation: Show how your product or service can be their knight in shining armor, solving their problems and bringing them joy.

🌉 Bridge the gap: Connect the dots between the "before" and "after," explaining how your offering is the missing piece in their puzzle.


📌 Before: Imagine a world where you're constantly stressed, overwhelmed, and struggling to keep up with your never-ending to-do list.

✅ After: With our productivity app, you'll transform into a time management master, effortlessly conquering your tasks and achieving your goals.

⭐️ Bridge: Our app's intuitive features and personalized strategies will help you prioritize effectively, eliminate distractions, and finally take control of your time.

2️⃣ Formula 2: PAS (Problem - Agitate - Solution)

Agitate your audience's pain points, making them acutely aware of the problem they need to solve.


🔎 Identify the core problem: Pinpoint the root cause of their frustration, the thing that's holding them back from achieving their goals.

🫢 Agitate the wound: Don't shy away from highlighting the negative consequences of their inaction. Make them feel the pain!

🙏 Present the solution: Position your product or service as the ultimate remedy, the answer to their prayers.


📌 Problem: Tired of wasting money on ineffective hair products that leave your locks dull, lifeless, and damaged?

✅ Agitate: Those days are over! Harsh chemicals and empty promises have wreaked havoc on your hair, leaving it dry, brittle, and yearning for salvation.

⭐️ Solution: Our revolutionary hair care system, infused with natural ingredients, will restore your hair's health, shine, and vitality, transforming it into the envy of your friends.

💡 Remember, effective copywriting is about storytelling, not just selling.

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Building an audience will change your life and your team. More dialogue, more opportunities, and more referrals. This is true for everyone, but most lack the ability to find their voice and build a personal brand around it.

🔓️ Insight Voice was created to unlock your voice and help you carve out your corner of the internet.

How can we help you?

We take your raw insights and formats them with AI to be attractive wherever your customers are reading:

💻️ Blogs
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