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  • 3 kind of posts to make you go viral (most of the time)

3 kind of posts to make you go viral (most of the time)

In this newsletter we are going to share you our bests tips in content creation

We all know the feeling: endlessly scrolling through social media, watching cat videos turn into existential crises (don't worry, it's not just you).
But sometimes, a post pops up that makes you spit out your coffee (or maybe that's just us). The kind that gets shared a million times and leaves you wondering, "How did they DO that?" 🤯 

👀 Well, buckle up, because we're about to spill the tea on the secrets of going viral.

Turns out, there are three main types of viral sensations:

1️⃣ Jaw-dropping news

Pandemics, presidents throwing shade, that sort of thing. People just gotta know!

2️⃣ The feels fiesta

We're talking cute kittens, hilarious fails, and heartwarming reunions. The emotional rollercoaster!

3️⃣ The "Wait, What?!" factor

Think a Stanley mug surviving a car fire (seriously, that mug deserves a medal). Or a zoo announcing a "serious situation" (turns out, the monkeys escaped with the keys). These head-scratchers leave us wanting more!

Okay, so news and emotional rollercoasters might be a bit out of your control, but here's the good news: category #3 is totally within reach! ⭐️ 

🎣 Here's the catch: it takes work (shocker, right?). You need a killer idea, some serious hustle, and – most importantly – a way to tie it all back to your product or service. Think of Duolingo, who took organic content to the next level and left you waiting for what his next video will be.

So, what we can do?

1️⃣ Think outside the box! What crazy, creative thing can you do that no one else in your industry has dared to attempt?

2️⃣ Make it relevant. How does this outrageous act connect back to what you offer? This is where the magic happens. 🪄 

3️⃣ Get creative with storytelling. Craft a narrative that's so captivating, people can't imagine it without your product or service.

💡  Bonus tip: Don't forget the fun! While you're busy strategizing, make sure your crazy idea also brings a smile (or a gasp of awe) to people's faces.

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Building an audience will change your life and your team. More dialogue, more opportunities, and more referrals. This is true for everyone, but most lack the ability to find their voice and build a personal brand around it.

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