6 simple ways to master social sharing

Get your audience share your amazing posts in seconds

Ever crafted a post so amazing you just KNEW it would explode across the internet? But then... crickets. 🦗 

It happens to the best of us. The good news? There's a science to social sharing, and we're here to tell you EVERYTHING.

📌 According to Jonah Berger, a marketing mastermind, there are six key reasons why people hit that share button. Let's see how you can sprinkle this magic dust on your content:

1️⃣ The "cool kid club" factor: social currency

Let's be honest, we all crave a little social approval (it's wired in our DNA!). That's why we share things that make us look like trendsetters, the ultimate "in-the-know" peeps.

Example: Remember the fidget spinner craze? Everyone and their dog (literally) had one. Why? Because owning one made you feel like part of the cool crowd (even if it meant questionable dexterity skills). 😎 

How to use it? Can you create content that makes your audience feel like they're getting access to exclusive information or experiences? Think behind-the-scenes glimpses, limited-time offers, or insider tips.

2️⃣ The "top of mind" trick: triggers

We share things that are fresh in our minds, like that hilarious meme a friend just sent. That's why consistent content creation is key. The more your brand pops up, the more likely people are to think of you when something relevant comes up. 💥 

Example: Remember the "Damn Daniel" Vine? It blew up because it was everywhere – funny, unexpected, and impossible to forget.

How to use it? Develop a consistent content calendar that keeps your brand at the forefront of your audience's minds. Experiment with different formats (videos, blog posts, infographics) to keep things engaging.

3️⃣ The emotional rollercoaster: emotion

Let's face it, we humans are emotional creatures. We share things that make us laugh, cry, scream (hopefully not in horror at your content!), or feel inspired. 💫 

Example: Real connection videos. Need we say more?

How to use it? Tap into your audience's emotions by crafting content that makes them feel something strong. Laughter is great, but don't shy away from inspiring stories or thought-provoking topics.

4️⃣ The "monkey see, monkey do" effect: public visibility

We naturally imitate things we see others doing. That's why long lines at a restaurant pique our curiosity (must be good, right?).

Example: Ever notice people using the same workout app as their friend at the gym? Public visibility breeds trust and desirability. 📱 

How to use it? Encourage user-generated content! Testimonials, customer reviews, and social media mentions are powerful tools for showcasing your brand and building trust.

5️⃣ The "life hack hero" persona: practical value

We all love a good life hack, a helpful tip, or a tutorial that makes our lives easier. Sharing these gems strengthens our social bonds (because hey, who doesn't love a good friend?). 🤝 

Example: #lifehacks on TikTok are a goldmine for this principle. People love learning new ways to do everyday things.

How to use it? Create content that educates and empowers your audience. Offer solutions to their problems, provide actionable tips, and demonstrate the value your product or service brings.

6️⃣ The power of storytelling: stories

Stories are ingrained in our human experience. We connect with narratives, remember them better, and are more likely to share them. 🔁 

Example: Remember that time you saw a heart-wrenching video about a dog in need? Boom, straight to the share button. Stories evoke emotions and create a lasting impact.

How to use it? Craft compelling narratives around your content. Use a beginning, middle, and end to draw your audience in and create an emotional connection. Testimonials, case studies, and even user-generated content can all be powerful storytelling tools.

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Building an audience will change your life and your team. More dialogue, more opportunities, and more referrals. This is true for everyone, but most lack the ability to find their voice and build a personal brand around it.

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