7 good habits to create content on LinkedIn

This is your sign to start creating content in this platform

👀 Are you part of the 3% who create content on social media? Then this is for you!

If you're not part of that 3% but want to start creating content, this is also for you! ✨ 

There are no magic formulas for social media success, but there are good habits you can adopt. On LinkedIn, these habits will help you position yourself and gain visibility:

1️⃣ Schedule your posts like a pro

Social media can be a time-consuming black hole. Schedule your posts like a boss and watch your content garden flourish without you having to spend hours scrolling. 📲 

2️⃣ Make friends with other creators

Find industry rockstars and influencers. Follow their posts, take a look on their insights, maybe even try to snag an interview or collab! 🙌 

3️⃣ Post consistently

The more you post, the more likely people are to see your amazing content. Aim for at least one post a day, but more if you can. Consistency is key! 🔑 

4️⃣ Respond to comments and messages

Your audience is the heart of your content creation journey. Show them some appreciation by responding to their comments and messages. It's like giving them a warm virtual hug. 🤗 

5️⃣ Repurpose your successful content

Just because you've already posted something doesn't mean it's done its job. Repurpose your successful content to get more mileage out of your hard work. It's like recycling your content – good for the environment and your content strategy. 🎯 

6️⃣  Define your brand identity

Your brand identity is what makes you stand out from the crowd. It's your voice, your style, and your perspective. Be your unique self and let your creativity shine through! 💫 

7️⃣ Collaborate with other creators, teamwork makes the dream work

Collaboration is like adding superpowers to your content. It helps you reach a wider audience, gain new perspectives, and create something truly special. Get creative and explore the possibilities! 🔎 

New in here? Get to know Insight Voice!

Building an audience will change your life and your team. More dialogue, more opportunities, and more referrals. This is true for everyone, but most lack the ability to find their voice and build a personal brand around it.

🔓️ Insight Voice was created to unlock your voice and help you carve out your corner of the internet.

How can we help you?

We take your raw insights and formats them with AI to be attractive wherever your customers are reading:

💻️ Blogs
📱 Social Content
📰 Newsletters
❓️ FAQs

Once you love your content, we'll handle sending it for you! Start unlocking your insights FREE for 7 days here.