The best format for LinkedIn: carousels

In this newsletter we give you a guide and the best tips to get started with this format

πŸ€” Have you ever scrolled through LinkedIn and stopped dead in your tracks because you saw a carousel post that was so visually stunning and engaging that you couldn't help but click on it?

Well, that's the power of LinkedIn carousels. 🎠 

These multi-image posts are the most visible format on LinkedIn, and they're perfect for telling stories, sharing step-by-step guides, and showcasing your products or services. 🌟 

So that there are no doubts, we share a checklist for you to review before creating your LinkedIn carousels.

Here it’s the ultimate checklist for creating LinkedIn carousels:

1️⃣ Eye-catching first slide: The first slide is the one that will appear in the feed, so it is essential that it is attractive and captures attention. Use a high-quality image, a bold headline, and a clear call to action.

2️⃣ Tell a story: Carousels are a great format for telling stories. Use the slides to take your audience on a journey, from problem to solution, or from idea to execution.

3️⃣ Use visuals: Images and videos are more engaging than text, so use them liberally in your carousels.

4️⃣ Keep it concise: People have short attention spans, so keep your slides concise and to the point.

5️⃣ End with a call to action: What do you want your audience to do after they see your carousel? Tell them clearly and make it easy for them to take action.

πŸ“Œ Additional tips for creating successful LinkedIn carousels:

🎨 Use a consistent design: Your carousels should have a consistent look and feel, so use the same color palette, fonts, and design elements throughout.

πŸ”ˆοΈ Promote your carousels: Share your carousels on your other social media channels and in your email newsletter.

πŸ“Š Track your results: Use LinkedIn Analytics to track the performance of your carousels and see what's working and what's not.

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